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Writing and Grammar Tips (beta)

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The writing resources on this blog are made available by the editing staff at EditMyEnglish. We hope you will find the material useful. For personalized help with your papers please contact our staff at info@editmyenglish.com.

The First Sentence

When you write a paper, it is a good idea to start the paper with an interesting first sentence. What is a good way to do this? You could use a quotation from another source that relates to your topic (for example: if your paper is about candy, you could say, Hershey’s founder Milton S. […]

Writing a Resume

So you are applying for a job or submitting school applications and you want to include your resume. That is a great idea! But do you know what to put on your resume and what to avoid? First of all, make sure you include current contact information (your phone number, email address, etc.) in case […]

Adventures in Spelling and Grammar

Have you come across “creative” spelling or grammar recently?  We’d love to post it on our site.  Email it to us at info@editmyenglish.com.